Become a member.
If you work with infants, young children or families and seek additional development and professional resources, we’re here.
SCIMHA is a 250+ member, multidisciplinary association providing healthy social-emotional development resources for professionals, infants and families. Our members are elevating their IECMH expertise and building a connected system of care across the state.

Advance your career with a SCIMHA membership.
Apply for and maintain active Endorsement designation for IECMH competencies. (Must be a member.)
Certifications and Trainings
Achieve IECMH certifications and earn CEUs in certain professional categories and disciplines.
Ongoing Professional Development
Engage in opportunities like Third Thursdays, Study Groups, webinars/speakers and an annual conference.
Reduced Rates
Enjoy discounted member pricing on programs and events.
Connect with colleagues on issues affecting infants, young children and families.
Stay in the Loop
Keep current through SCIMHA on local, state and national IECMH-relevant news.
Join with peers statewide to promote programs, policies and services that keep healthy early relationships at the forefront of decision making.
Join your peers.
Regardless of your discipline, we have development resources for you. Our members represent a wide range of child- and family-serving fields and programs, like:
- social work
- psychology
- early childhood education
- childcare
- child welfare
- early intervention
- Early Head Start
- Head Start
- nursing
- home visiting
- pediatrics
- speech and language pathology
- occupational and physical therapy
- behavioral health
- infant and early childhood mental health consultation
- infant and early childhood mental health treatment

*If you are interested in an organizational membership, contact Membership Coordinator, Amber King, at
“It’s easier to build strong children than repair broken men.”
Frederick Douglas