SCIMHA's IECMH Advanced Certificate is a six-month professional development experience that builds on the knowledge gained in Foundations. Participants will deepen their reflective practice and direct service skills. Time spent in this training counts towards IMH or ECMH Endorsement training or renewal requirements.
Audience: Professionals providing prevention and treatment services
Cost: $510 per participant
Length: 6 months, 30 hours
Learning Schedule: 90-minute Reflective Supervision Learning Collaborative
Content Focus: Infant mental health practices, tools and techniques
Training Content
Month 1: Ways of Being
Month 2: Practicing Noticing – Assessment
Month 3: Practicing Wondering – Relationships, Family History and Impact of Past on Present
Month 4: Practicing Reflecting – Professional Use of Self and Self-Reflection
Month 5: Ways of Doing – Discernment, Decision Making and Evidence-based Practices
Month 6: Goodbyes and Endings
To learn more about the IECMH Certificate program, email