Full continuum of free supports and services.
As South Carolina’s hub for healthy first relationships, we offer promotion, prevention and intervention services to meet the development needs of infants, young children and their families.
We embed highly trained IECMH specialists into our programs, so families have access to the strongest resources available across the state.

Frontline support to guide professionals and families through the complex system of available developmental and behavioral health resources.
Training to help practitioners tailor responses to meet the needs of the moment and address urgent caregiver concerns.
Eight-week parenting group that highlights how children communicate their emotional needs and how parents can best respond.
Program pairing an infant mental health consultant with the professionals (early education providers, child care directors, etc.) who work with children in early learning environments.
A 10-week home visiting program to support caregivers to build strong, healthy relationships with children through providing nurturance and sensitive play.
Collaborative team approach led by judges to support families and children ages 0-3 who are engaged in the child welfare system.
Trauma treatment to help young children and families recover after traumatic events.
We’re deeply committed to promoting racial equity and social justice through our mental health work. We use The Diversity-Informed Tenets for Work with Infants, Children & Families to guide our practices, and we embed diversity, equity and inclusion principles into everything we do.
SCIMHA encourages all child- and family-serving professionals to employ these same tenets, developed by the Tenets Initiative.