Facilitating Attuned Interactions (FAN)
Learn to read cues from parents and yourself.
Facilitating Attuned Interactions (FAN) is built on the belief that people need to feel connected and understood in order to be open to change. The FAN Approach serves as a framework for parent engagement and reflective practice in work with young children and families.
It addresses urgent concerns of the parent or caregiver and trains practitioners to tailor their responses to match the needs of the moment. FAN also helps practitioners recognize how their own internal sense of regulation or dysregulation affects their abilities to be fully present with a family in the moment.
SCIMHA’s professional development team is part of an international network of FAN trainers offering strategies to help practitioners feel balanced in activating or high-risk situations. FAN provides an approach to reflective practice for staff and supervisors using the ARC of Engagement to structure supervision and promote sensitive, attuned collaboration.
To learn more or register for upcoming FAN training, visit our Events page.