How it Works
The Safe Babies Court Approach
At the heart of this approach is professionals coming together – in partnership, across sectors – to engage in collaborative, proactive work that improves the system.
Safe Babies Court teams keep the urgent developmental needs of infants and toddlers at the center of decision making and work to promote healing and resilience for very young children and their families.
Here's how Safe Babies Court is making a difference.
- Hearings and family team meetings are held at least once a month. Frequent review hearings allow judges close oversight of each case, which goes hand-in-hand with the family support team's proactive, problem-solving work. Pre- or post-removal conferences are critical, setting the collaborative tone for family team meetings and launching vigorous family engagement efforts from the start.
- The judge, local Safe Babies Court community coordinator and family team ensure child and family needs are systematically and fully identified as early as possible in the case process and that referrals are made to address specific needs with effective services and interventions.
- All professionals involved in Safe Babies Court understand the impact of the families' trauma history, including experiences of maltreatment on adults and their very young children.
- Continuous quality improvement is the engine that drives effective uptake and sustainability of Safe Babies Court. This means systematically collecting data and using it to implement needed improvements.
Core Components
- Judicial and child welfare leadership
- Local Safe Babies Court community coordinator
- Active community teams
- Pre- and post-removal conferences and frequent family team meetings
- Continuum of services for children and families
- Meeting parents where they are
- Nurturing parent relationships and building social supports in the community
- Frequent, quality family time
- Concurrent planning
- System commitment to continuous learning and improvement
SC Safe Babies Court Site Leaders
Laurens County
The Honorable Mindy W. Zimmerman, Lead Judge
Sarenthea Williams, Community Coordinator
Spartanburg County
The Honorable Angela J. Moss
Ameka Burton, Community Coordinator
Orangeburg County
The Honorable Anne Gue Jones
Lailah Abdul-Mateen, Community Coordinator
Charleston County
The Honorable Michèle Patrão Forsythe
Michelle Bennett, Community Coordinator
Lexington County
The Honorable Robert E. Newton
Gabby Heraly, Community Coordinator
For more information, contact Director of Programs, Josie Sawyer, at