PEAR Network

Helping you and child care professionals support your child.
Caring for infants and young children every day can be as challenging as it is rewarding. And knowing how to help them navigate social, emotional or behavioral difficulties is not always clear. PEAR can help.
Has your child:
- Been sent home from child care due to behaviors or is at risk for expulsion?
- Had excessive difficulty separating from you?
- Displayed behaviors or emotions you find confusing at home?
- Experienced a scary or stressful event?
PEAR Network (Partners for Early Attuned Relationships) is a free prevention-based program that pairs a highly specialized infant mental health consultant with all the adults caring for your child aged 0 to 5, including you, teachers, child care providers, early child care program directors, social workers and others. It is an immersive program of connections and supports to help encourage your child to form secure relationships, manage emotions and explore their environment.
Our consultants work with you and these adults to be more aware of your child’s social and emotional development and manage challenging and often confusing child behaviors. By working through these issues at the earliest possible moment, you can better help your child thrive.
While PEAR primarily integrates consultation into early childhood facilities, we provide a collaborative approach and wrap-around care to support all the adults caring for a young child.
To request services, fill out the intake form through Help Me Grow, our centralized access point to local resources across the state. A Help Me Grow Care Coordinator will contact you for more detail.
Are you an early child care professional in need of assistance with an individual child? Does a child you work with display difficult behaviors? PEAR can help.