Safe Babies Court
Improving Lives for infants and toddlers in foster care.
Safe Babies Court ultimately works to keep babies and toddlers safe, keep families together and prevent the need for child welfare involvement. When court involvement is necessary, however, Safe Babies Court brings a support team of family and community resources together to meet the urgent development needs of infants and toddlers.
The collaborative Safe Babies Court TeamTM approach uses judicial muscle, child development expertise and community partnerships to give babies, toddlers and their families in the foster care system the life-changing help they need.
Here’s how:
- A family support team consisting of judicial and child welfare leadership, the local Safe Babies Court community coordinator and active community partners.
- Targeted and timely connection to services and resources.
- Frequent (at least once a month) family team meetings and hearings.
- Focused attention on individual/family strengths and challenges.
- Interventions that meet the specific needs of each child and parent.
Safe Babies Court is making a difference.
Studies show significant improvements for families who participate in Safe Babies Court.

Read about how Safe Babies Court works and the partners across South Carolina who work tirelessly to make it happen.